hatte ja schon eine gutes Porgamm geschrieben. Leider war auf dem Bpt122 die Zeit zu knapp, um das ins Programm mit auf zunehmen.
Es ist dennoch wichtig, dass sich in dem Bereich was ändert.
Derzeit ist es so, dass man minimum 5-6 Monate auf einen Therapeuten wartet. Das ist in weniger schweren Fällen schon viel zu lang. Von Akutpatienten mal ganz zu schweigen..
Und wenn man sich die Suzid-Zahlen ansieht, dann steigen die wieder
"Suizide in Deutschland nehmen wieder zu"
Falls euch das von der AG Psyche noch interesiert, dann werft einen Blick hier
"Tag 8.PA109/PA113 - Psychiatrie 3.0: Verrückt ist auch normal"
Aber nun mal zum eigentlichen Thema.
Ich hatte schon öfter über Mobbing und Depression geblogt.
zum bsp:
"Mobbing, Depression und Suizid - Warum Mobbing kein Kavaliersdelikt ist"
"Dem Individuum die Schuld geben - gesellschaftliche Probleme"
und auch hier
"Das Erinnernde Ich - Trauma Warum vergessen auch ein Segen sein kann"
Nun gibt es eine neuere Studie die aufzeigt, dass Mobbingopfer, selbst wenn das Mobbing endet, mit langzeitfolgen zu kämpfen haben und daher noch längere Hilfe brauchen.
"Being bullied can cause trauma symptoms"
In der Studie der Universität Starvanger wurden 963Kinder im Alter von 14-15 Jahren einbezogen.
Wie sich heraustellt leiden die Mobbingopfer später an PTSD.
Zumeist auch Frauen, wie sich in der Studie zeigt.
Nun hatte ich ja schon aufgezeigt, gerade bei Trauma, dass es schwierig ist zu reden, sich zu erinnern, und damit das ganze zu verarbeiten. Nur ist das bei Mobbingopfer um so schwer. Ihre Erfahrung lehrt sie, dass sie nicht vertrauen können. Denn es macht sie angreifbar. Zwar gibt es auch hier die Chance, dass es ein Intaktes Soziales Netz gibt, sei es Freunde, oder Familie, die sich Schützen und verstehen, aber das hat nicht jeder. Und nicht jeder kann sich öffnen. Daher sind Anlaufstationen für Mobbingopfer mehr als nötig. Den Jeder, der durch nicht vorhandene Hilfe stirbt, ist einer zuviel..
weitere Links
"Preventing posttraumatic stress disorder by facing trauma memories"
"Early intervention prevents behavioral problems"
The research also shows
that girls are more likely to display PTSD symptoms than boys, Idsøe
reports. "That accords with studies of other types of strain.
"We also found that those with the worst symptoms were a small group of
pupils who, in addition to being victims of bullying, frequently bullied
fellow pupils themselves."
He finds it difficult to provide a definite explanation of why some
groups are more likely to develop PTSD symptoms, but says this question
is a general issue among trauma specialists.
"One explanation, for example, could be that difficult earlier
experiences make the sufferers more vulnerable, and they thereby develop
symptoms and mental health problems more easily."
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
The research also shows
that girls are more likely to display PTSD symptoms than boys, Idsøe
reports. "That accords with studies of other types of strain.
"We also found that those with the worst symptoms were a small group of
pupils who, in addition to being victims of bullying, frequently bullied
fellow pupils themselves."
He finds it difficult to provide a definite explanation of why some
groups are more likely to develop PTSD symptoms, but says this question
is a general issue among trauma specialists.
"One explanation, for example, could be that difficult earlier
experiences make the sufferers more vulnerable, and they thereby develop
symptoms and mental health problems more easily."
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
The research also shows
that girls are more likely to display PTSD symptoms than boys, Idsøe
reports. "That accords with studies of other types of strain.
"We also found that those with the worst symptoms were a small group of
pupils who, in addition to being victims of bullying, frequently bullied
fellow pupils themselves."
He finds it difficult to provide a definite explanation of why some
groups are more likely to develop PTSD symptoms, but says this question
is a general issue among trauma specialists.
"One explanation, for example, could be that difficult earlier
experiences make the sufferers more vulnerable, and they thereby develop
symptoms and mental health problems more easily."
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
The research also shows
that girls are more likely to display PTSD symptoms than boys, Idsøe
reports. "That accords with studies of other types of strain.
"We also found that those with the worst symptoms were a small group of
pupils who, in addition to being victims of bullying, frequently bullied
fellow pupils themselves."
He finds it difficult to provide a definite explanation of why some
groups are more likely to develop PTSD symptoms, but says this question
is a general issue among trauma specialists.
"One explanation, for example, could be that difficult earlier
experiences make the sufferers more vulnerable, and they thereby develop
symptoms and mental health problems more easily."
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
The research also shows
that girls are more likely to display PTSD symptoms than boys, Idsøe
reports. "That accords with studies of other types of strain.
"We also found that those with the worst symptoms were a small group of
pupils who, in addition to being victims of bullying, frequently bullied
fellow pupils themselves."
He finds it difficult to provide a definite explanation of why some
groups are more likely to develop PTSD symptoms, but says this question
is a general issue among trauma specialists.
"One explanation, for example, could be that difficult earlier
experiences make the sufferers more vulnerable, and they thereby develop
symptoms and mental health problems more easily."
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
The research also shows that girls are more likely to display PTSD symptoms than boys, Idsøe reports. "That accords with studies of other types of strain. "We also found that those with the worst symptoms were a small group of pupils who, in addition to being victims of bullying, frequently bullied fellow pupils themselves." He finds it difficult to provide a definite explanation of why some groups are more likely to develop PTSD symptoms, but says this question is a general issue among trauma specialists. "One explanation, for example, could be that difficult earlier experiences make the sufferers more vulnerable, and they thereby develop symptoms and mental health problems more easily."
Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-bullied-trauma-symptoms.html#jCp
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